
Northamptonshire County Golf Club

Course Status

Course Open, Qualifying course. Preferred lies. Winter Course. Updated: 27th Feb 2025

Enjoy... Relax... Celebrate

Open Competitions

We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and members every year to compete in the Northamptonshire County Open Competitions. You will be assured of a wonderful round of golf on a course in immaculate condition, and afterwards you are welcome to the courtesy of the clubhouse to enjoy a well-earned drink and delicious home-cooked meals.

For competition terms and conditions along with a copy of our full dress code, please use these links:

Competition Terms and Conditions
Club Dress Code

Open Competition Entries go Live

Wednesday 8th January 2025 at 09:30

Ladies Spring Open Friday 6th June (95 days)
Senior's Mens Open Wednesday 11th June (100 days)
Junior Boys 18 Hole Medal Open Monday 11th August (161 days)
Junior Girls 18 Hole Medal Open Monday 11th August (161 days)
Men's Colin Green Trophy Open Saturday 23rd August (173 days)
Ladies Autumn Open Friday 5th September (186 days)
Autumn Mixed Open Sunday 7th September (188 days)
Men's Pairs Open Wednesday 1st October (212 days)

Ladies' Spring AM-AM Stableford Open
Friday 6th June 2025
· Handicap Allowance 85%, Best 2 Scores to count—Red Tees
· Team of 4 - Entry Fee £220, players must be 18 & over
· Each player to be a current member of a recognised golf club with CDH Number & a Maximum Handicap Index limit of 30 or less  at the time of entry
· Coffee & pastries on arrival, halfway house, 2 course meal after play 
· 5 Team Prizes plus Nearest the Pins - Bronze on 3rd, Silver on 15th, Longest Drive on 2nd
Seniors' Men's Stableford Open
Wednesday 11th June 2025

· Individual Stableford, 95% allowance—Qualifying Competition

  ·  For gentlemen over 55 years of age on the day of the competition

· Entry Fee £70 Visitors & £45 for members Yellow Tees 

· Each player to be a current member of a recognised golf club with a CDH Number & a maximum Handicap Index limit of 17.8, at the time of entry

· Coffee & bacon roll on arrival, halfway house, & a 2 course meal after play

· Prizes: 2 Divisions plus Nearest the Pins on 3rd, 6th, 12th & 15th


Junior 18Hole Medal Open
Monday 11th August 2025
· 18 Hole Medal - Boys off Yellow Tees & Girls off Red Tees /  Maximum Handicap Index, 27 for Boys & 32 for Girls at the time of entry
· 95% handicap allowance /  Each player to be a current member of an affiliated golf club with a CDH Number
· Limited to 54 competitors, drawn in handicap order /  Players must be under 18 on the 1st January 2025
· Entrance fee £20 visitors and £15 for members
· The Blackburn Bowl will be presented to the boy with the lowest Gross score /  The Highland Quaich will be presented to the girl with the lowest Gross score
· Best boy & girl Nett Prizes, in 3 Divisions subject to entry numbers
· No caddies or trolley pushers allowed, no player can win more than one prize /  Nearest the Pin & Longest Drive Prizes
· Cheesy Chips with cordial after play
Men's Colin Green Trophy Open
Saturday 23rd August 2025
· Medal, 95% Handicap allowance—Qualifying Competition
· For gentlemen 18 & over on the day of the competition
· Entry Fee £60 for visitors & £40 for members - Yellow Tees
· Each player to be a current member of a recognised golf club with a CDH Number & a maximum Handicap Index limit of 17.8, at the time of entry
· Coffee & bacon roll on arrival, halfway house, & a 2 course meal after play
· Prizes: 3 Divisions. Best Nett wins the Colin Green Trophy, plus Nearest the Pins  on 3rd, 6th, 12th & 15th

Ladies' Autumn AM-AM Stableford Open
Friday 5th September 2025
· Handicap Allowance 85%, Best 2 Scores to count—Red Tees
· Team of 4 - Entry Fee £220, players must be 18 and over
· Each player to be a current member of a recognised golf club with CDH Number & have a maximum Handicap Index limit of 30 or less, at the time of entry.
· Coffee & Pastries on arrival, halfway house, 2 course meal after play
· 5 Team Prizes plus Nearest the Pins on 3rd, 6th, 12th & 15th

Autumn Mixed AM-AM Open
Sunday 7th September 2025
· Handicap Allowance 85% - Teams to consist of 2 Ladies & 2 Gentlemen
· Best 2 Scores to count, must be 1 Lady and 1 Man— Men Yellow Tees, Ladies Red Tees
· Team Entry Fee £240, players must be 18 and over
· Each player to be a current member of a recognised golf club with a CDH Number & have a maximum Handicap Index limit of 25.6 or less for ladies & 17.8 or less for men, at the time of entry
· Coffee & bacon roll on arrival, halfway house, & a 2 course meal after play
· 5 Team Prizes, Nearest the Pins on the 3rd for ladies and 15th for men
Men's Pairs Better Ball Stableford Open
Wednesday 1st October 2025
· Betterball Stableford, 85% allowance & competitors must be 18 or over
· Entry Fee £120 per pair, Yellow Tees 
· Each player to be a current member of a recognised golf club with a CDH Number &  maximum Handicap Index limit of 17.8, at the time of entry
· Coffee & bacon roll on arrival, halfway house, 2 course meal after play
· 8 Prizes & Nearest the Pins on 3rd, 6th, 12th & 15th
Entries go live
Wednesday 8th January 2025 at 09:30

Entries & Payments can be made either online via our website or over the phone, payments can also be made by Bacs.
Entries will not be accepted without payment & must  be received no later than 14 days before the competition date.
When phoning with your payment, please have all of your players information available.
If paying via Bacs, please ensure you use the correct code for your competition as listed on the bottom of the entry form
Entries withdrawn within 14 days of the competition date will not be refunded.
If paying by BACS, please  click HERE  for our Bank details.

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